2016 Volunteers

Volunteer Work Day Projects in 2016

Michelle, Paula, Ellen, Linda and Pinkie at a 2017 Garden Work Day

Our first project, begun three years ago, was the creation of the Wildlife and Respite Garden in the fenced area adjacent to the parking lot.  In 2016, we continued maintenance and planting of this area.  Our watering team kept the garden going during the severe drought, and additional volunteers kept after the weeds, cut back overgrown sedge, and did some more planting.

For the first time in 2016, we expanded our ecological efforts to the main park and held three work days centered on invasive plant removal –specifically,  Japanese Knotweed.  Knotweed crowds out many beneficial plants and is extraordinarily difficult to control.  We succeeded in cutting and removing 700 pounds of knotweed from the park!

Altogether 22 volunteers contributed 92 hours at our work days.  Thanks go to Judy Argon; Julian, Susan, and Paul Brenman; Ellen and Stephen Briggs; Paula Burns; Chris Bushnell; Daniel Cohen; Michelle Detwiler; Mary Field; Pinkie Hamilton; Bobby Harmelin; Karen Hinckley; Hazel Murphy;  Linda Pitt; Ellen Reese; Elaine Stern; and Mark Wassmansdorf.

Knotweed Penitentiary

In addition, freelancer members Rich Cutshall and Craig Oliner spent uncounted hours clearing trails and removing debris.  Rich even made us our Knotweed Penitentiary, where cut knotweed may be stored without danger of re-rooting itself into the park lands.

2017 Donations


Four Paws ($150 or more)

Anne & Matt Hamilton

Bobby & Randie Harmelin

Jay & Marya Margolis

Marsha Perelman

Ellen Reese & Gary Stein

Peter & Ellen Briggs

Three Paws ($100 to $149)


Judith & Yair Argon

Brenman Family

Karen Hinckley

Michael & Selina Hoessly

Sharon McGinley

Hazel Murphy

Shelly Phillips

Maria Pollack

David Preefer & Karen Zimmerman

Eileen Rosenau

Karl & Dori Middleman

Kay Sude

Two Paws ($50 to $99)

Judy & Art Axelrod

John & Barbara Barr

Mary & Iain Black

John Cassimitis

Glenn & Jennifer Cooper

Michelle Detwiler & Lars Pace

Linda Fairstone

Karen & Joan Garbeil

Susan Lichtman

Joan Logue

Karyn Lush

Marilyn Steiner

Helen Feinberg Walker & Kent Walker

Sherri & Lewis Wexler

Rich & Karen Wilson

The Yody Family

One Paw (up to $49)

Janice Asher

Amy Cohen & Tom Waniewski

Lee Dante

Mary Field

Martha Lombardo

John Newhall

Christel Urmenyhaz

Flaura Winston

Knotweed Day #2

Knotweed is a noxious invasive plant that vigorously self-plants itself in moist areas, degrades the ecosystem, and ultimately promotes soil erosion on stream banks.  At this annual event, we cut the plants to the ground and dispose of the stems, giving the “good guy” plants a better chance to take over the territory.  Wear long pants and long sleeves, and bring gloves!  Come and go as you please.  Water and Kind bars will be available,

Garden Work Day


Join the garden camaraderie for more planting and weeding in the Wildlife and Respite Garden!  Water and Kind bars will be provided.  Bring gloves and your favorite weeding tool if you have one, and of course come and go as you please.

Knotweed Day #2

Knotweed Day, June 2016

Knotweed is a noxious invasive plant that vigorously self-plants itself in moist areas, degrades the ecosystem, and ultimately promotes soil erosion on stream banks.  At this annual event, we cut the plants to the ground and dispose of the stems, giving the “good guy” plants a better chance to take over the territory.  Wear long pants and long sleeves, and bring gloves!  Come and go as you please.  Water and Kind bars will be available.

Knotweed Day

Japanese Knotweed

Knotweed is a noxious invasive plant that vigorously self-plants itself in moist areas, degrades the ecosystem, and ultimately promotes soil erosion on stream banks.  At this annual event, we cut the plants to the ground and dispose of the stems, giving the “good guy” plants a better chance to take over the territory.  Wear long pants and long sleeves, and bring gloves!  Come and go as you please.  Water and Kind bars will be available.

Garden Work Day, First of the Season

We’ll be planting new flowering plants, and (of course) weeding the Wildlife and Respite Garden to prepare it for garden season.  We’ll also work on other garden chores such as removing landscape fabric that is no longer needed and renewing the wood chips on our wood chip path.  Water and the traditional Kind Bars (or their Trader Joe equivalent) will be provided.  Come and go as you please, and do bring garden gloves and your favorite weeding tool if you have one.  We have extra gloves and tools so we can supply these items if you don’t bring them.

Fourth Annual Meeting

We will start off with a short summary of our accomplishments in 2016 and our plans for 2017, than on to a fascinating presentation on the use of police dogs in Lower Merion presented by the Lower Merion Police Department K9 unit.  There will be refreshments and a chance to talk with your fellow dog parkers as well.  Come one come all!

2016 Active Member Thank-You Party

This is a party to thank those members who have volunteered at events or supported us with donations during the calendar year 2016.  Wine, beer, soft drinks and lots of yummy nibbles will be provided.  Each invitee is welcome to bring a spouse or significant other, so this is a great chance to get to know the better half of all our dog park regulars!

NOTE:  We will be sending an electronic invitation to each 2016 Active Member.   Sometimes those E-Vites get lost in cyberspace,  so If you qualify as an Active Member  in 2016 but don’t receive an invitation, please let us know.   We want each of you to come if you possibly can!

Santa Paws Came To Town

Santa Paws with Brownie and Baxter

Santa Paws once again took time from his busy schedule to visit all the good dogs at West Mill Creek on Sunday, December 18!   It may have been a little overcast and a lot muddy, but the dogs enjoyed the dog biscuit and the chance to give Santa their wish lists, and the people enjoyed some hot cocoa and doughnuts to keep out the damp.  Moreover, we raised $435 for the Pennsylvania S.P.C.A!  Thanks to all who participated–including Giant supermarket which generously donated the doughnuts.