Fall News from Friends of West Mill Creek Park

Happy 10th Birthday Friends of WMC Park!

Goldenrod in bloom in new parking lot gardens

The Friends of West Mill Creek Park was founded in October 2013 with the twin mission of safeguarding and improving West Mill Creek’s use as a dog park, and working to improve the park as habitat for the wildlife that shares the park with us.  Over the past ten years we have worked to enhance the beauty and biodiversity of the park by planting many hundreds of trees, shrubs, and perennials, and worked to combat invasive plants.  We have also acted as liaison with the Township for problems identified by our members, and have researched and posted dog-related educational materials on our website with the goal of promoting a safe, happy experience for park users.  We thank all our members for their encouragement, support, constructive criticism and great suggestions over the years. We also extend heartfelt thanks to Lower Merion Township – especially Donna Heller, Director of the Parks and Recreation Department, and Dave DeAngelis, Supervisor of the Parks division.  For many years, they supported us with unfailing responsiveness, help, a can-do attitude, and good cheer.  They and the Parks crew members have always been a delight to work with. 

Shout-Out to the Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Program

Many of you have noted the progress of the beautiful garden beds that were planted this year as part of our newly redesigned parking lot.  The design for these beds, plus many hours of maintenance work, were provided to our Park gratis as part of Pennsylvania’s successful Master Naturalist program.  This program provides advanced ecological training to Pennsylvania residents with the requirement that those trained will provide 20 hours of pro bono ecological services to not-for-profit entities like us.  We are lucky to have Michelle Detwiler, a locally well-known native plant expert and landscape designer, as our Master Naturalist.  She has worked with us for the past several years to continue our mission to improve our Park’s beauty and ecological effectiveness.  We are so grateful.  Thank you, Michelle!

Fall Planting Day–2023

We held our annual Fall planting day on Wednesday, October 25.  This year our focus was additional planting for the new garden beds around the recently reconfigured parking lot. 

New Parking Lot Garden in October 2023

With the help of the hardworking Lower Merion Parks Department crew (which did all the heavy planting work), we added 123 native perennials and shrubs to those beds this Fall.  These included the beautiful yellow-flowered shrub St. John’s Wort, asters, grasses, and golden groundsel. The crew also dug out a large stand of invasive mugwort in the main park area, and mulched with wood chips to help slow up any regrowth.  In addition, they planted four trees (two black gum and two river birch) in the main park area. 

While the Township crew worked, Friends of West Mill Creek Park volunteers Michelle Detwiler, Karen O’Neil, Ellen Reese, and Ellen Briggs weeded the parking lot beds that were planted last Spring. 

Thanks to all those members who have made financial donations – your dollars paid for all these plants!  Special kudos to our members who made contributions in 2022 and 2023, years in which we omitted our usual annual appeal for donations: James & Jen Sperry, Nora Engel & Gustavo Klurfan, David Mark, Heather Farrel & Daniel DiCriscio, Harriet Ruffin, Elizabeth Keech, and Peter & Ellen Briggs.

Engineering and Planting Work to Be Done at the Park

In our last newsletter (Spring of 2023) we alerted you to upcoming work regrading and replanting the stream bank at the Park to comply with Pennsylvania environmental regulations intended to reduce water pollution from stormwater runoff.  The work, originally scheduled for this Fall, has been rescheduled to take place sometime this Winter.   Sections of the park will be blocked off as the work progresses, but the Park will remain open.

Off-Leash Permits for 2024

As the year’s end approaches, don’t forget to obtain an off-leash permit for 2024.  It’s easy to apply on the Lower Merion Township website.  Getting the permit contributes to park safety and also is a great way to show our Township Commissioners your support for the off-leash program.  The permit will give you off-leash privileges at both Rolling Hill and West Mill Creek parks.

2022 and 2023 Donations

Special note: in 2022 and 2023, we omitted our traditional annual request for donations. Those who contributed to Friends of WMC Park in these two years took the initiative to contribute totally unprompted by us. Thanks so much! Your donations, along with donations accumulated from previous years, subsidized the hundreds of new native trees, shrubs and perennials installed in the main park and parking lot planting beds during our Fall 2022, Spring 2023, and Fall 2023 Planting Days

Four Paws ($150 or more)

Peter & Ellen Briggs

James & Jen Sperry

Three Paws ($100 to $149)

Nora Engel & Gustavo Klurfan

David Mark

Two Paws ($50 to $99)

Heather Farrel & Daniel Dicriscio

Harriet Ruffin

One Paw (up to $49)

Elizabeth Keech

Spring 2023 Park News

Watch for two upcoming projects at West Mill Creek Park: first, thanks to the Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Program, we will receive valuable (and free!) assistance with our Friends of WMC Park planting program for several years. Second, starting this Fall, the Township will begin implementation of a major construction project involving regrading and replanting the stream banks. Read on for details!

An Important Boost for Plants and Wildlife at the Park

We are thrilled to announce that local native plant guru and Master Naturalist, Michelle Detwiler, has committed to donating at least 20 hours of work annually over the next 3 years to help maintain native trees and plants and control invasive species throughout the park.  This major volunteer commitment is made under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Program, which provides rigorous training for program participants in ecological gardening to benefit local ecosystems.   The program includes environmental pro bono work as part of its ongoing certification requirements.  We are indeed fortunate that Michelle has selected West Mill Creek Park as the beneficiary of her services!  If you would like to help Michelle, volunteer opportunities will be available.

Over the past several years, as a consultant for Friends of WMC, Michelle has selected and sited all of the new trees and shrubs planted during our annual Fall Planting Days.   In addition, she designed and assisted with the installation of the new planting beds in and around the parking lot entrance and exit areas.  We have received many compliments on this work and expect park users will welcome the future plantings as well. 

Our efforts this year focused on the new parking lot gardens, Pictured here, L to R, are Michelle Detwiler, garden designer, with Friends of WMC Park Volunteers Alan Wood, Ellen Reese, Karen Hinckley, Mark Wassmansdorf, and Ellen Briggs. Dave DeAngelis of the Lower Merion Parks Department (pictured far right) and his crew provided essential support to our efforts.

Construction Work at the Park this Fall

To comply with mandated Pennsylvania requirements intended to reduce water pollution statewide, Lower Merion Township will be implementing an extensive project at West Mill Creek Park. The project will involve major regrading of the stream banks, installation of in-stream structures to direct water flow, and replanting of the regraded banks.  Friends of WMC is working closely with the Township Engineer to minimize loss of mature trees and maximize access for Park visitors during this process.

Construction is expected to begin in the Fall of 2023.  The Park will remain open to park users (both dogs and people) throughout the project, although sections of the Park will be closed off to allow work on those parts as the project proceeds.  Heavy equipment and trucks needed for the project are expected to park in the grassy area off Old Gulph Road so as not to take up precious parking lot space. 

Best wishes for a happy summer and fingers crossed for a good rain!

Volunteers Needed for Fall Planting Day

Thanks to your generous donations, we have over 300 plants to get in the ground this year! As usual, Township crews will be helping us with the heavy tree planting starting early in the morning, but we need your help for the perennials and small shrubs. There will be a brief training session at 11:00 but we’ll fill you in if you miss it.
Please bring work gloves and a trowel (we will have extras in hand if you forget). Light refreshments, happy camaraderie, and the satisfaction of improving our park for all, are free!

Knotweed Day #2

Loading up the tarp with knotweed, June 2016

Knotweed is a noxious invasive plant that vigorously self-plants itself in moist areas, degrades the ecosystem, and ultimately promotes soil erosion on stream banks.  At this annual event, we cut the plants to the ground and dispose of the stems, giving the “good guy” plants a better chance to take over the territory.  Wear long pants and long sleeves, and bring gloves!  Come and go as you please.  Water and Kind bars will be available,

Knotweed Day #3

If we don’t finish the job in the first two Knotweed Days, we’ll finish up on this date.  Knotweed is a noxious invasive plant that vigorously self-plants itself in moist areas, degrades the ecosystem, and ultimately promotes soil erosion on stream banks.  At this annual event, we cut the plants to the ground and dispose of the stems, giving the “good guy” plants a better chance to take over the territory.  Wear long pants and long sleeves, and bring gloves!  Come and go as you please.  Water and Kind bars will be available.

2022 Update on Fence and Parking

For those not on our email list, here’s a copy of an email to membership sent out on January 16, 2022:
Greetings and Happy New Year to all!   I’m writing today with a couple of Park updates:  the new split-rail fence and our various parking problems.
The New Fence
Several of you have asked why the new fence at the far end of the Park was installed.  The fence blocks off the farthest creek access point that many of us have been accustomed to use.    Although it is very disappointing to all of us to lose that farthest stream access, there are reasons for the change. 
First, the fence is intended to prevent our dogs from wandering off Park property into neighboring private properties.  Unfortunately, not all participants in the off-leash permit program are able to control and recall their dogs as the program and State Law require.  When dogs leave the Park and enter private property, it calls into question the sustainability of the off-leash program.  If the fence helps to keep dogs within Park limits, it will support public perception of the workability of our beloved off-leash privileges.  Also, keeping the dogs within Park boundaries it will keep our dogs safer.
Second, Lower Merion is under State mandate to reduce stream pollution. West Mill Creek Park is one of the sites that has been designated to receive remedial measures including additional planting on the stream bank to reduce erosion and polluting sediments and bring us into compliance.  Over the past couple of years of pandemic, foot traffic (both 2 and 4 legged) in the riparian buffer has compacted the soil and damaged existing plant life.  By preventing foot traffic near the stream, the fence will help to reduce water pollution and maintain the natural beauty of the Park.  As a reminder, the off-leash program rules have always stated that people and dogs are not permitted in the area between any of the split rail fences and the stream.
The good news is that the other three existing stream access points will remain open so our dogs can still play in the creek.  We hope you will understand and support the Township’s decision to install the new fence which we believe will benefit our community as a whole in the long run. 
Parking Issues
As we all know, our parking lot cannot accommodate all the people who want to visit the Park, and illegal parking is creating dangerous traffic problems.  Currently, the Board of Commissioners and Parks Department are actively evaluating the situation for appropriate and effective solutions.  Unfortunately, the location of the Park makes finding a solution more challenging then it may seem, as there are very specific traffic safety regulations to be interpreted and multiple governmental entities involved.  We are working with Commissioner Bernheim and the Parks Department on the parking issue.  We will support parking improvements that will make parking easier and safer.  Because the Park’s size is limited and it is already suffering from overuse, we are focusing on advocating for the creation of one or more additional dog parks to absorb the demand for this amenity rather than on major expansion of the parking lot.
We hope everyone will continue to enjoy the Park.  If you arrive to find all legal parking spaces taken, Rolling Hill Park is also available for off leash dog walking, and numerous Township parks allow on-leash walks.  The Township website has a list of dog-friendly parks  (scroll down the page to find the list).


2021 Donations

Four Paws ($150 or more)

Peter & Ellen Briggs

Pam Hamilton

Ingrid Johansen

David & Beth Marks

Craig Oliner & Alyson Owen

Mana & Ken Pollack

Ellen Reese & Gary Stein

Three Paws ($100-$149)

Judy & Yair Argon

Harold Feldman & Annie Steinberg

Richard Hamilton

Karen Hinckley

Nora & Barry Kramer

Joan Logue

Dori & Karl Middleman

Eileen Rosenau

Jen & James Sperry

Two Paws (($50-$99)

John & Barbara Barr

Iain & Mary Black

Julie & Alan Hochman

Michael & Selina Hoessly

Carolyn W. Scott

Amy & Adam Steel

Jill & Eric Sussman

Nancy Winkler & John Bryan

One Paw (up to $49)

Janet Bauman

Katya Grischuk

June Lauer