Summer/Fall Workdays Report

Karen waters, with Rocket looking on

Karen waters, with Rocket looking on

Our hardy garden volunteers worked hard to keep the garden going in a drought-filled summer and fall season.  We had a great watering team that sprang into action every time Mother Nature fell down on the job, and the fact that almost every one of our 5 trees, 48 shrubs, and 650 newly planted perennials not only lived but flourished shows the success of their efforts.  Thank you Watermeister Mark Wassmansdorf, and team Chris Bushnell, Michelle Detwiler, Bobby Harmelin, Karen Hinckley, Toba Spector, and Ellen Briggs.  

Ellen Reese weeds

Also thanks to our planters and weeders who came out for our three late summer and fall work days and donated a total of 31 hours of work, not to mention their expertise and good humor:  Paula Burns, Celeste DeBeese, Michelle Detwiler, Mary Field, Meredith Greenbaum, Karen Hinckley, Martha Lombardo, Ellen Reese, Ellen Briggs, Peter Briggs, and Stephen Briggs.

Mary Field, Ellen Briggs and Peter Briggs with garden tools

Mary Field, Ellen Briggs and Peter Briggs with garden tools

Third Annual Meeting

canstockphoto8139914Join us for a short report on our accomplishments in 2015 and plans for 2016, followed by K9 911–When to Call the Vet, When to Treat at Home — an informative talk by Dr. Michelle Harris of PetsFirst Veterinary Center.  Dr. Harris, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, will be available for Q&A after her presentation.

Black Friday in the Garden

canstockphoto2990898This Black Friday, why spend all day shopping for stuff you don’t really need? Instead, work off those turkey calories at our Fall Cleanup Workday in the Wildlife and Respite Garden. We will be raking up the big sycamore leaves, weeding, and (if possible) we will  also chop up the leaves with a lawnmower and return them to the garden as mulch.  Bring work gloves and a rake if you have one (we will have extras).  As always, come and go as you please, no need to stay for the whole two hours.

2015 Projects

Progress!  We are happy to report that our advocacy  with the Township for trail improvements has resulted in a successful fix to the (formerly) boggiest part of the trail.  The Township installed two French drains and improved the trail with crushed stone and stone dust in response to request.  This was our members’ number one wish according to the 2015 Member Survey, and so far the trail has been clean and dry through several major rain events.  Thank you Dave DeAngelis and the Township crew!

Wildlife and Respite Garden.  Throughout 2015 volunteers continued to plant and maintain the Wildlife and Respite Garden.  This year we have added about 650 groundcover and other perennial plants.

Parking Lot.  We have had several meeting with the Township about parking lot improvements and Township crews have already implemented some of our requests:  first, a fence to keep cars from slipping over the streambank, and some asphalt near the entrance to smooth the ride into the lot.

As always,  if you have any additional project ideas please pass them on to anyone on the Steering Committee. garden boot clip art

Active Member Thank-You Party

Friend of West Mill Creek Park party  Friends of West Mill Creek park 5

karl's cake 2

November 2015 Active Members Thank You Party

November 2015 Active Members Thank You Party

friends of west mill creek park

On November 15, we celebrated our 2015 Active Members (all those people who donated time, talent, or financial support to Friends of WMC Park, during the current year).  It was a fun time, especially because we all got to meet the significant others of many of our regulars.  Thanks everyone for coming!!  P.S. We made every effort to invite every Active Member — we did have to straighten out a couple of record keeping mistakes, so for future reference, always remember to speak up if need be.

Great Day on the Bridlewild Trail

Our Bridlewild Guide, Nysa (far right) and our Friends of WMC hikers

Our Bridlewild Guide, Nysa (far right) and our Friends of WMC hikers

We had a gorgeous day for our hike on the Bridlewild Trail, which took place Sunday, October 11.  Leaving from the Beth David parking lot, we hiked the trail to Rolling Hill.  Elaine and Max, two of our hikers, stayed at the corral while the rest of us hiked down to the creek.  Nysa gave us some fascinating history of the mills and other uses of the old mill buildings (including use as a recording studio used by Bruce Springsteen and other celebrities).  And the dogs had a marvellous time, needless to say.  Thanks Nysa for a great day!

Garden Work Day: Ferns and Asters Need Your Help!

garden boot clip artOur final set of plants for the 2015 season, (some beautiful Christmas Ferns and Blue Wood Asters) have arrived–and fortunately our water tank has just been filled!  All are invited to help with planting in the Wildlife and Respite Garden.  Bring work gloves and your favorite trowel or spade (we have extras if you don’t have one).  Water and Kind bars will be provided.  Sorry for the late notice, but the arrival date for  the plants was unknown and it’s always best to get them in the ground asap!

Dog Days 2015

Thanks to all who came out and supported us at our Dog Days of Summer Fundraiser.  We raised about $400 (our Treasurer will do an exact count soon) — but even better, we signed up a dozen new members!  We extend a warm welcome to all our most recent members.  A few pictures from the event:  P100011908 14 15_1766 P100012208 14 15_1762 P1000112 P1000129 P100012808 14 15_1759 P100011308 14 15_1768 P1000114 P100012608 14 15_1755 P100011808 14 15_1760

Weeding Day

The weeds are creeping in. . .so we are declaring a Weeding Work Day this Saturday.  If you’d like to do battle against these invaders, bring garden gloves and your favorite weeding implement.  Water, Kind bars, and good fellowship will be provided.

2015 Active Members Party

In the Thanksgiving spirit, we are hosting a thank-you cocktail party for all of our Active Members (those who have supported us by volunteering at the garden or through a financial donation during 2015).  Please come and enjoy the company of your fellow denizens of the dog park without having to keep a watchful eye on your dog at the same time!

NOTE:  An e-invitation will be sent to each active member about 4 weeks before the event.  If you are an Active Member and don’t get an invitation, either our record keeping is at fault or it disappeared into cyberspace.  Be sure to contact someone on the Steering Committee and we will correct our list–every Active Member is included!