April Work Day

West Mill Creek Park

With any luck, we can start planting!  Stay tuned for updates

Weeding Work Day

Wildlife & Respite Garden, West Mill Creek Park Old Gulph & Mill Creek Rds, Gladwyne, PA, United States

Bring water, a shady hat, work gloves and weeding tools --spade, shovel, pickaxe, or any tool you usually like to weed with.

Another Weeding Work Day

West Mill Creek Park

Bring water, a shady hat, work gloves and weeding tools --spade, shovel, pickaxe, or any tool you usually like to weed with.

First Planting Day!

West Mill Creek Park

We will begin planting shrubs and laying down cardboard and mulch as an organic weed suppressant. Bring water, a shady hat, work gloves.

Garden Work Day

We'll be weeding and mulching--bring work gloves.  We could use another garden cart -- contact Ellen Briggs if you can bring one.