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Knotweed Day #2
West Mill Creek ParkKnotweed is a noxious invasive plant that vigorously self-plants itself in moist areas, degrades the ecosystem, and ultimately promotes soil erosion on stream banks. At this annual event, we cut […]
Knotweed Day
Wildlife & Respite Garden, West Mill Creek Park Old Gulph & Mill Creek Rds, GladwyneJapanese Knotweed Knotweed is a noxious invasive plant that vigorously self-plants itself in moist areas, degrades the ecosystem, and ultimately promotes soil erosion on stream banks. At this annual event, […]
Garden Work Day
Wildlife & Respite Garden, West Mill Creek Park Old Gulph & Mill Creek Rds, GladwyneJoin the garden camaraderie for more planting and weeding in the Wildlife and Respite Garden! Water and Kind bars will be provided. Bring gloves and your favorite weeding tool […]