
During 2014, we held 18 volunteer work days with 158 work hours donated by 18 volunteers:

Dan Barry, Ellen Briggs, Paula Burns, Chris Bushnell , Jill Cooper, David Dutwin , Aidan Dutwin, Elias Dutwin, Mary Field, Karen Garbeil, Karen Hinckley, Maddie Kessler, Tessa Lamont, Martha Lombardo , Debby Merker, Hazel Murphy, Ellen Reese, and Toba Spector. 

This intrepid band removed rocks and invasive vine roots, weeded, mulched with cardboard and shredded bark to suppress future weeds, created a log-and-woodchip garden path, dug a berm and swale to control water runoff, built a compost bin (by Chris Bushnell), and planted 5 trees and 48 native wildlife-friendly shrubs.

In addition, the Boy Scouts designed, built and donated 4 beautiful benches and a table to grace our park.  Thanks to Pranav Pillai, Eagle Scout candidate, and his troop for their fabulous project!

And thanks to one and all!