In Memoriam Karen Garbeil 1945-2021
Karen Garbeil was a member of our Friends of West Mill Creek Park Steering Committee from our founding in October 2013 to her passing in January 2021. She and her beloved Golden Retriever, Junior, visited the park almost every day. Karen was always a friendly, inclusive presence who welcomed new park visitors and park regulars alike. The following people made donations to the Friends of WMC Park in her memory:
Judy & Yair Argon, Peter & Ellen Briggs, John Bryan & Nancy Winkler, Jill Cooper, LInda Fairstone, Paul & Gloria Feldman, Judith Freeman, Bobby Harmelin, Karen Hinckley, Nora & Barry Kramer, Susie & Paul Lichtman, Beth & David Marks, George & Antoinette Oneil, Ellen Reese & Gary Stein, and Kay Sude.